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Category: Divorce Questions

Divorce and Living abroad

If I am Canadian and my spouse is a Canadian Resident and we live in the States due to his work and I want a divorce, what is the likely hood of the divorce agreement being enforced with regards to child and spousal support? Can he be made to pay his side of things with […]

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Emotional abuse - how can I prove it?

My husband withholds love from me and he excessively views pornography. He is mean to me and the kids but has never hit me. I have now 'caught' him on Web sites for meeting other women who want to have sex..some sort of 'hook up' Web sites. All of this and more has caused me […]

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Retroactive child support

How far back can a spouse go to get monies owed to child support after divorce?

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Ontario - Alberta Jurisdiction Issue

My ex-husband and I lived in Ontario together. My ex-husband filed for divorce over 10 years ago and then we reconciled. The marriage has now ended, and we agreed to a divorce severing spousal support. Queen's Bench in Alberta has dismissed the divorce application because of the earlier application filed in Ontario. I am told […]

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I applied for a divorce based on mental violence.

I applied for a divorce based on mental violence. We have child, ex-husband fights for custody. Court ordered psychological expertise, it came with recommendations of full custody to me (mother). Ex-husband wants to contest it. What are the chances he will be allowed to have other expertise?

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Is there any way to get financial help with a divorce?

Is there any way to get financial help with a divorce? I'm on Disability. without my husbands signature I've been separated for 17 years, I can't find him.I'm located in Newmarket Ontario.

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Could I apply for divorce in BC?

Hi, i have been in Quebec for 2 years, but just moved to BC 2 months ago. Could I apply for divorce in BC or i am just able to apply in Quebec? my partner disagrees with divorce and i don't know the exact address where he is living. what should i do now?thank you!

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Can email/text records be subject to subpoena in a divorce?

Can email/text records be subject to subpoena in a divorce case (to prove adultery)and if so, will it incriminate third party people?

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Is the separation agreement still binding?

My ex husband did not pay me the full amount as agreed on our separation agreement, and 8 years later still owes me $13,000, is the separation agreement still binding and can I pursue this amount thru the courts?

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When we divorce, would he get half my monthly pension?

I am a 67 year old woman, only income is my pension. My husband of 25 years is 47 years old. We moved to BC to be near family. My husband is choosing not to work and we live off my pension. When we divorce, would he get half my monthly pension even though it's […]

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