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Category: Property Questions

Understanding debt/assets

My husband and I have separated, most of our property was in his name (vehicles, boat, motorcycle) and he took them when he left and consolidated loans to continue paying the debt but never gave me the option of what I wanted to keep. How does this work now that he has been making payments […]

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Money in business accounts

Most of our money is in two accounts that were created to receive income from my husband's consulting. He owns these companies, one being Canadian, the other in the UK. I am one of two directors in these two companies. No one else is involved. He transfers money periodically for household expenses by "paying dividends. […]

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Divorce now, division of matrimonial home later

My husband wants to divorce now and deal with the division of matrimonial home next year because he cannot buy me out right now. Can he do that? Thanks.

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Who is responsible for spousal support

If someone is married less than a year and has no children, who is responsible for spousal support and how should the property be dividied?

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Rights to my inheritance

I used my inheritance to purchase a house for my mother in law. When she moved out years later I put the money into a separate account. My husband and I ate now going through a divorce. He sus he has a right to half the inheritance because when we did some renovations on the […]

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Financial statement question

Hello. I have a two part question regarding filing out of my financial statement and splitting of a pension. A year ago my spouse (of 26 years) said she wanted a divorce and moved out. Both of our kids are adults, over 18. A few months after my spouse moved out I met an awesome […]

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Dividing family residence

My wife is divorcing me and we need to divide the family residence. I would like to get the bank to assess the house and buy off her share. Can she refuse that offer and insist for the house to be put on the market and sold? If so, would she be 100% responsible for […]

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Is it possible to draft an agreement that works like a pre-nup?

Is it possible to draft an agreement that works like a pre-nup, after you are married? If a married couple sign an agreement on their own regarding property division (in case of a divorce), will it hold up in court? Will it be legally binding?

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He is planning on selling his 50% of the home

My common law spouse and I have been separated for almost 5 years now. I still live in the home which is in both our names. We have both been paying equal amounts towards the mortgage each month. He has just informed me that he is planning on selling his 50% of the home to […]

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Does he have any right to a new property purchase?

My sister's husband left her and her child more than 7 years ago and has not been since and has not made any payments to the child (who is now 14) My sister and her child have been living in a basement apartment (my sister only makes min wage) since but now my parents want […]

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