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Category: Divorce Questions

Is it true that we can get a quick divorce?

me and my spouse have been separated for well over a year and are both on board with getting divorced i have heard in some places that we can both go together to the court house and sign papers pay the fee and basically be divorced almost on the spot. Is it true that we […]

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I'm currently in India and would like to file for divorce

I got engaged July 2013 and legally married march 2015. We've never lived together and during the time we do spend together he's been violent physically and verbally. I did take pictures for proof on some occasions. We are both in agreement about divorce. He lives in France and I'm Canadian. We got married in […]

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What are the steps for a divorce?

My husband and i live separately since 2 yrs , but there is no legal separation. What are the steps for a divorce in this situation please?

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Mediation agreement VS Divorce

Mediation agreement vs. Divorce  I have a mediation agreement where I waived things like spousal support and etc as it was all too much to comprehend at the time. The ex has filed for divorce, do I need to have the separation finished before or can it be done after the divorce is final?

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Obligated to pay him even though he abandoned the marriage?

I have been married for 6 years - sponsored him to come to Canada. We have only been intimate once since we got married. Due to personal beliefs i stayed for better or worse (and kept hoping things would get better)! Now I need to move on. He is wanting to take half my RRSPs/Pension […]

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I want to move back to my country and take my children

I am Canadian, my husband is permanent resident in Canada. We are married for 7 years. We have 2 children. I don't want to live with my husband anymore (for several personal reasons). I want to move back to my country and take my children. Children have Canadian and my country of birth citizenship's. Is […]

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He is spending our money on drugs and online sex sites

I am ready to start divorce proceedings but my spouse is refusing to cooperate. In the meantime all of our bank accounts and credit cards are jointly held and he is spending our money on drugs and on line sex sites. How can I prevent being held responsible for his excessive spending until this is […]

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Is an Emotional Affair (on-line relationship) considered Adultery

Is an Emotional Affair (on-line relationship) considered Adultery or does there have to be physical contact?

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Do we have to be separated for 1 year before filing for divorce?

Do we have to be separated for 1 year before filing for divorce? My ex husband and I are separated. We have a separation agreement signed and in place, and are able to file a joint application for divorce. However, he is leaving the country for approximately a year, slightly more than 2 months before […]

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He wants to keep the house and buy me out

Hello. Me and my husband been separated for almost 1 year but no separation form completed in court. Ive moved out in November last year but we own a house together. He wants to keep the house and buy me out but just give me half of it only for the time i was living […]

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