My husband and i live separately since 2 yrs , but there is no legal separation. What are the steps for a divorce in this situation please?
My husband and i live separately since 2 yrs , but there is no legal separation. What are the steps for a divorce in this situation please?
Mediation agreement vs. Divorce I have a mediation agreement where I waived things like spousal support and etc as it was all too much to comprehend at the time. The ex has filed for divorce, do I need to have the separation finished before or can it be done after the divorce is final?
Hello. Me and my husband been separated for almost 1 year but no separation form completed in court. Ive moved out in November last year but we own a house together. He wants to keep the house and buy me out but just give me half of it only for the time i was living […]
Do I have to divide equally the settlement money I received from personal injury from an auto accident?
I've been reading a lot about family lawyers and I'm wondering if I even need one. My ex and I agree on everything so why do we each need to hire a lawyer. Can't we just bring our case to a paralegal and have them draft up the separation agreement and pay a lot less? […]
I found out that he only married me to get his Permanent Residency, Before the paper was in process, I called Immigration and cancelled it. He was sent back to his country. How can i get a divorce when he is not in Toronto?
I have been attempting to bring up the courage to leave my husband since July 2014 when we were traveling abroad and caused a domestic in a 3rd world country. Flash forward to returning to Toronto and I'm pregnant. We try to discuss the issues he makes promises. November promises are broken and at 4 […]
I have nothing to start with and no clue how to. My husband and I are newly weds who are young and have been together a while however he has become possessive and negligent since we have gotten married he has also become irritable violent and manipulative. I do not have anything but a small […]
Now I know my spouse has set me up for a divorce for a long time. About 6 months before I was forced to move out. She set me up to go to the lawyer office to sign a document. She and the lawyer told me that is a new property that their family acquired […]
My husband has not been earning money for the last 2 years. And in our 10 years together has been a financial drain. Will I end up having to pay him if I ask him for a separation?