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Category: Mississauga Questions

If I sell the home I inherited, do I have to share the proceeds?

My wife & I live in a house I inherited from my father. We still own our matrimonial home.If I sell the home I inherited, do I have to share the proceeds of my inherited home with my wife if we divorce as well as the money I have in separate accounts in my name […]

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How are business and rental properties divided after divorce?

I would like to know how are business and rental properties divided after divorce that are under one spouse's name? Does the law look at it the same as a matrimonial home or not? Thanks for your help.

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He begs that he'll be better and I forgive him

We have been living for 20 years, legally married, but physically and mentally separated years ago. We lived separated (in separate house) when it was financially convenient for 3 years. But every time he begs that he'll be better and I forgive him. I have a kind heart, and he takes advantage of that all […]

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I would like to file for an uncontested divorce

Hello! I found your services on the net. I am currently living abroad (Croatia). I have a (soon to be ex) wife in Toronto. I use to live in Ontario for 19 years. We have been apart since 2010. She requested a divorce from me in 2012 (still have the e mail). However, it's been […]

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Accountability and shared responsibilities for children involved

Due to overgrowing issues in marriage, option of divorce has emerged out as a healthy option for all involved. Could you please assist in advising the options, accountability and shared responsibilities for children involved if this option is progressed with? Applicant is my Sister (Permanent Resident in Canada) married to a Citizen in Canada (both […]

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Divorce certificate from another country accepted in Canada?

I will like to go back to where we contracted our marriage to get the divorce but I want to know if a divorce certificate from another country is accepted in Canada. We both migrated to Canada about five years ago but along the line, the marriage broke down and we have been separated for […]

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My husband is a drug addict.

My husband is a drug addict. he tried to get help but relapses often, it is also due to the nature of his job and people that he surrounds himself with. I want to separate because he is not here (mentally or physically) but he does not agree, I am financially dependable on him but […]

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Can i file for a divorce if my wife has deserted me?

Hi,i got married in India in Jan 2013, can i file for a divorce if my wife has deserted me  for no valid reason for about 20 months. she lied to me saying she have some mental issues, i wanted her to be ok and happy so i send her back and now she is […]

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Are parents still obligated to pay for post-secondary costs?

What if while you were married, you and your spouse could not afford to send your children to college/university because your combined income was not enough and you were in overwhelming debt? If separating from your spouse still puts both of you in debt, are parents still obligated to pay for post-secondary costs?  Your children […]

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My husband walked out 7 years ago

Wondering how I would go about getting a divorce after my husband walked out 7 years ago. No idea where he lives and I heard after 7 years I can just go to the court house and ask for a divorce. There is no contact between the two of us.

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