My ex-wife has an illegal suite in her house, should the income from this suite be used in the calculation of child support?
My ex-wife has an illegal suite in her house, should the income from this suite be used in the calculation of child support?
Is it possible to draft an agreement that works like a pre-nup, after you are married? If a married couple sign an agreement on their own regarding property division (in case of a divorce), will it hold up in court? Will it be legally binding?
My common law spouse and I have been separated for almost 5 years now. I still live in the home which is in both our names. We have both been paying equal amounts towards the mortgage each month. He has just informed me that he is planning on selling his 50% of the home to […]
my husband and i have been separated for almost 15 years due to his crack/cocaine addiction. we have not even really spoke all this time. we have no property and our children are adults. I just want to know how fast and how much for an uncontested divorce, and do i have to see him? […]
My wife and I have a jointly owned property and a line of credit (debt). The deal was, I was to assume the debt and keep the house. I have been paying for both, and in order to change the mortgage over into my name I need a signed separation agreement. She is refusing to sign […]
What does separation involve compared to divorce?
1. My wife left our house with my 21 year old son and most of my furniture. She is now asking for a separation. What are my rights? Am I entitled to any compensation as she abandoned / deserted me? 2. I have money accrued from my severance pay from my previous job for my […]
The situation is deteriorating at home and I think its best if I move out. If I do we will fall behind on our mortgage and other loans that I am currently paying because there isn't enough money. She refuses to discuss a plan at this time and it is adding to the frustrations at […]
My husband is a bigamist. He married me abroad while he was previously married to another woman but not officially divorced to her(My own country will declare my marriage as illegal on the grounds of bigamy) Later he sponsored me to canada as a spouse but never declared about his previous marriage to canadian authority. […]
I am remarried and we recently had another child. Can I apply to have my child support decreased due to supporting a new child? As I understand it child support is supposed to be my contribution based on what I would spend on my kids if they lived with me full time, that amount would […]