I have been in a common law rlationship for 5 1/2 years . Most of th time he is out of town and I work in town and look after the home and pets and yard work. Most of the time I pay the bills and buy groceries ( the home is in his name […]
I have been in a common law rlationship for 5 1/2 years . Most of th time he is out of town and I work in town and look after the home and pets and yard work. Most of the time I pay the bills and buy groceries ( the home is in his name […]
Is it possible to get a divorce first and then deal with division of assets?
I am currently living in the home that is jointly owned with my ex. We each pay our share of the mortgage. I am ready to move on and buy my own place. I have asked him to buy me out...he said NO! I have asked him to list it so we can sell it...he […]
My husband and I are separated for couple months now. We bought a condo together. But we reached an agreement that I will pay him back the money he contributed and he will transfer his interest in the condo to me which makes me the only owner of the condo. We applied for uncontested divorce […]
i have a buisness of which I am the sole income earner. I had made my wife a 50 percent director in the buisness. Once i apply for seperation is she entitled to half of the company earngs after theb date of the seperation. Must I remove her from the directorship of the company to […]
If my father is married and living commonlaw with someone else can the commonlaw partner go after our property and assets? My father has a written will from many years ago? thanks for your help!
At divorce I signed over the joint business partnership to my ex-spouse who agreed in writing and duly authorized by the Court that I would assume no further responsibility financial or otherwise in the business. Five years later my ex-spouse ran up a huge debt on a credit card that I supposedly jointly signed the […]
My husband and I were separated for a period of six years after which time we agreed to try reconciliation. While we were separated, my son was diagnosed with autism. The diagnosis took a number of years to receive. Ultimately, I ended up receiving back payments of tax returns for the care of my son. […]
My husbandd and I have seperated, he wants to either buy me out or sell, I am 9 months pregnant with a 2 yr old and am not prepared to move from our house at this time. If I am not willing right now does he still have legal obligation to pay his half of […]
I live in Quebec and am currently going thru a separation. My question is about property, as in Furniture. I was not employed the whole time we were together (8 yrs) but on and off and when I was I handed over my paychecks to him. He is now claiming that all of the furniture […]