If seeking only a separation, can one spouse still remain on the other spouse's insurance for medicaldental expenses?
My spouse and I want to divorce but remain living in the home until our children are out on their own. Can we divorce now and divide our assets at a later date, i.e. when the kids move out and we decide to sell the house? We agree that everything will be divided equally.
My son and his father are canadian citizens, I am a Sudanese citizen.He has taken my son to Abu Dhabi, UAE, without my consent.Sudanese court has granted me divorce and custody of my son.I want to ask how the canadian law can protect my son's right and what action I should take to encourage his […]
I have been in an marriage for 26 years, with a woman whom has become an Alcoholic with no acknowledgment of fault. I've tried tirelessly to correct the problem but with no avail. I've worked my entire life to save the money we have without any help from my wife, who at times almost seemed […]
My 5 year relationship recently ended. We were a same sex couple. He made almost twice as much income as I did/do. He is also 5 years from retiring with a full pension from the federal government. Do I have any rights as regard to support or his pension?
I have full custody of my children, whereas the other parent only has access to them during a certain time period. During this time period, I never restrict their access to the other parent. However, my question now is: I have a concern that the other parent is manipulating my children, trying to turn them […]
if a couple move in together, one of whom has children, how long before the other is legally and financially responsible?
I have relation with other woman and would like to marry to her. I have told my wife that I have relation and we have been living under one roof for kids. Next year I plan to move out and live in a separate apartment and invite my new partner to live with me. Can […]
Previous to my legal separation child support was paid by me. A legal separation was done stating no child or spousal support was to be paid to my ex-wife in Lu of assets. For some reason the FRO is giving her my tax returns and I don't understand. FRO is telling me that there should […]
hi, im not actually living in canada but my husband is working there and I'm just surprise that he is divorcing me. How to get child support because she does not want to communicate but his lawyer. I am currently working in singapore and my salary is just low so i need to get continious […]