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Category: Prince George Questions

Is it adultery if one of us starts another relationship?

My husband and I have been separated, sleeping in separate bedrooms since April 29. Is it adultery if one of us starts another relationship before we have a separation agreement signed?

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How do i get a divorce if I can't find him?

my husband and i have been separated for 9 years we have a child, he has never seen his son, has nothing to do with us,he is somewhere in Africa and i have no clue how to find him or serve him, How do i get a divorce if I can't find him?,i want to […]

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Does my soon to be ex have any right to my accident claim?

Hi; can you please give me some clarity on: if two people are divorcing...and I; the claimant had a car accident in 2008; and in Nov 2014; the trial completed and I am still waiting for the judges decision. I left my marriage and home on March 2013; so it will be over two years […]

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Can I undue a previous hardship claim from 2 years ago ?

Almost two years have passed since my husband and I divorced. I had agreed at the time for my ex to claim undue hardship and pay a reduced amount of child support for 2 years as I felt bad for him at the time. That 2 years is almost up and I would like to […]

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