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Category: Montreal Questions

What happens to lottery winnings during divorce proceedings ?

We have been married for 10 years and have three children. We are going through divorce proceedings now and the division of property. We won the lottery, cash for life which was placed in my husband's name. My husband feels that this money is an annuity and thus not eligible for equal division. My question […]

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I caught my wife cheating on me while we were married

I caught my wife cheating on me while we were married, she has filed for a divorce. is she entitled to any of my money?

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How can I advise my divorce status to the Federal and Quebec government

My question: How can I advise the Federal and Quebec government that I've already divorced in the US? Since both my marriage and divorce were happened outside Canada, but I used my US marriage certificate to apply my wife as permanent resident in Canada. Details: I am a Canadian citizen, married my wife (US Citizen) […]

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How can I get divorce living in Canada if I got married in the U.S?

I got married almost 4 years ago in the U.S, she lives in the states and I live here in Canada, I couldn't give her Canadian resedenship because for the longest time she was illegal in the states, now I feel that I'm tires of this situation and think that is time for us to […]

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court date

I was wondering, if you have all of your papers and documentation ready (when children are involved) How Long does it typically take to get a court date and get legally divorced in Montreal?

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Requirements for divorce

Hi,my husband and I recently submitted all the documents for legal separation . We went with this idea of applying for legal separation due to him not being stable in Canada (I knew that at any given time he might leave the country). So now ,only 2 weeks later he told me that he will […]

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