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Category: Orillia Questions

If I buy a home can he take half of it?

I have been separated since May 2013, but living in the same household. The legal aspect has been a lengthy process. We are finally going to our first court date but I want to buy a home now. I have found a home and need to make sure that he cannot take half of it. […]

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How can I get the 2 joint debts resolved?

We have a matrimony agreement stating whats his is his and what hers is hers. No support, no going after each other. But we have 2 joint debts. On a line of credit which a large sum of money was withdrawn from after separation, and we have a boat pkg. loan. Boat has been in […]

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Shared expenses?

I have 2 children with my ex-wife. We have joint custody but my youngest is now living full time with me (he didn't want to live with his Mom anymore). My oldest daughter was living with my ex until my ex met someone and quit her job to move to same town as her new […]

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child travel

My 3 year old son lives with me in Ontario. My ex wants to take him to Alberta for a Month. we have no custody papers. could there be a problem if he decides not to return him as he agreed.

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